Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 4 2019

Nelson Lake Assoc. Board Meeting, Feb. 4, 2019

The meeting was opened promptly by Pres. Lindner at 6:30 pm. Members present: Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, John Welter, Cara Goldman, Casey Stangl, Rick Lindner, and Steve Bilitz.
The Dec. 2018 meeting minutes were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: We currently have $25,348.19 in the Money Market Acct. and $3,706.27 in the checking account.
MOTION: to change the due date for the annual dues to May 1st. Passed.
WFNW Fishing Event: Feb. 16, 2019 at the LCO access site. Looking for one more volunteer to help with parking and security. Our donated picture will be ready for the event.
Spring Newsletter: Have info to Ruth Lindner by April 1. Content for the Newsletter: Elections, Treasurer’s report, Raffle info, pics from Winter Rama, Wood duck houses helpers, and fisheries info on Nelson Lake.
MOTION: to spend up to $600 on the kayak for the raffle. Passed. Casey Stangl is looking into its purchase.
There was a discussion on increasing our annual dues.
MOTION: to bring to the Annual Meeting that we raise our annual dues from $20 to $30. Passed.
Town Board Update: Park building bids are out in the newspaper.
Scholarship: Kelly Plote will be our school contact. The 2018 scholarship gift has been sent.
“I Beat the Big Island” Event recap: 20 participants were registered for the Jan 5th lap around the Big Island. We thank the North Country ATV Club for providing assistance to racers. Many new youth and adults attended the Winter Rama. Promotion for next year’s event will begin in the Fall Newsletter. Registration cost will remain the same.
Next Board meeting: Monday, April 1, 2019.
Steve Bilitz, Secretary