Board Meeting Minutes June 4, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, June 4, 2018

6:30 p.m. – Lenroot Town Hall

Bill opened the meeting at 6:30pm.

Roll Call

Present: Bill Wilcox, Casey Stangl, Rick Lindner, Gordy Christians, John Welter,, Cara Goldman, Tom LeMay, Art Saxum, Harold Burton, and Angie Dorinski.p

Absent: Steve Bilitz and Kelly Plote

Treasurer’s Report

Totals as of 5/31/2018

  • Capital One Money Market Account: $37,537.84
  • Checking Account: $16,835.08
  • 211 members have already renewed membership
  • YTD donations $2,510
  • YTD total intake $6,730

Gordy motions to accept treasurer’s report, Casey seconds, all approve.

Board Changes

Four positions will be up for election at the Annual Meeting.

  • President – Rick Lindner will be a candidate.
  • Director position currently held by Rick – Mark Schaenzer has agreed to be a candidate an is willing to be the NLA coordinator for our participation in FHNB.
  • Director position currently held by Angie Dorinski – Angie will run for re-election.
  • Director position currently held by Art Saxum – Art will run for re-election.

Annual Meeting

The meeting will be held at the Veterans Club on June 9th at 9am. Board Members are to arrive at 8am to set up the room, tables, and displays. Bill reviewed the To-Do list for the meeting. All tasks assigned and accepted by board members.

Raffle Status

200 tickets have been printed for raffle.

Raffle tickets and posters have been given to Steve for distribution but have not arrived at all Resorts yet. Bill will contact Steve about distribution.

NW Lakes Conference

Bill relayed information from the flyer he received for the conference which will be held on Friday, June 22 at the Spooner High School. To inform members a CC will be sent after the Annual Meeting. The Wisconsin Lakes organization, one of the event sponsors, has sent information to all lake associations with a request for additional donations. After some discussion the request was denied. In previous meetings we have decided to contribute the same amount as done in previous years.

Nelson Lake Park Status

The new toilets are mostly in. A new well will be needed due to the old well having insufficient water supply and cannot allow a submersible pump. Some additional clearing will be done for the pavilion.

Boat Inspections at the Landings

Two or three additional inspectors are needed at the landings since Donna passed and Andrew cannot participate this year. Art will place an add in the newspaper. Bill will contact Frank Pratt to see if there are any students in the Hayward Environmental School program that might be interested in working. NLA members will be informed of the need with a CC to be sent immediately. Training will be provided. The pay is $12 per hour for work on weekends and holidays. The Grant requires each landing to be staffed for at least 200 hours per year for the reimbursement request to be honored. Anyone interested should contact Art Saxum.

Casey motioned to adjourn the meeting, John seconded the motion, all approved.

Next Board Meeting – Monday August 6th 2018, 6:30 p.m., Lenroot Town Hall.