Board Meeting Minutes, Mar. 30, 2020

Nelson L. Association Board Meeting

Minutes, March 30, 2020

Meeting opened promptly at 630 pm by Pres. Rick Lindner.
Members present: Harold Burton, Rick Lindner, Gordy Christians, Tom LeMay, Cara Goldman, Casey Stangl, Mark Schatzner, Jeff Hanson, and Steve Bilitz.

Minutes of the 2/3/20 Board meeting were read via email and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: We have $12,000.73 in the checking acct., and $27,739.65 in the Money Market acct. Cara noted that our insurance covers any space we occupy. There are 147 renewed members thus far.

MOTION: to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Passed.

AED Report: After reviewing the info sent to us via email, we are considering 3 locations for these instruments: Ravelle’s, 4 Seasons, and The Landing. These resorts are spread out and open year-round.

MOTION: to purchase 3 AED’s and get them installed. Passed.

School Candidates for award: No report.

Board Elections: Cara, Casey, and John are up for reelection. Kelly is moving shortly so her position is also open. Dale McPearson is willing to run. We will decide what to do with these elections soon.

Raffle Items for Picnic: Two 10 ft. paddleboards were ordered and are in our possession. MOTION: To accept the cost of $629.98 for these paddleboards. Passed.

FHNB Fishing Event: Cancelled for 2020.

Town Board Update: Gordy got info on the park improvements and road work plans into our Spring Newsletter.

Nelson L. Drawdown:has been approved by all concerns. Resorts and launches on the lake will receive handouts and/or posters about the upcoming drawdown plans, which will begin on Sept. 15, 2020.

Resort Assoc.: No report.

Park Picnic Tables: