This newsletter contains some very important information about future plans for Nelson Lake. Please see the articles about a possible drawdown during the winter of 2020-21. There are multiple reasons why a drawdown would be good. In addition to restoration of walleye spawning beds it will also provide an opportunity to inspect the Dam, repair the boat ramp at the Nelson Lake Park, and lower the culvert on Jolly Fisherman Road. Read the articles in this newsletter for more details.
Stocking plans include adding 27,000 Extended Growth (6-8 inch) Walleye in October 2019. DNR Fisheries is also planning on doing a Fyke Net Survey in the spring of 2020 and Electro-Fishing survey again next fall. This year the DNR did a study on prey fish in Nelson Lake and found an abundant supply. Therefore, they are not recommending minnows be stocked with walleye this year. But the plan is to spread out the walleye by using 5 or 6 locations on the lake to take advantage of the existing prey fish population thereby increasing the survival rate.
We had a great annual meeting in June with about 50 people attending. The highlight was an excellent presentation by Max Wolter, DNR Fisheries Biologist, on all the initiatives that have been undertaken in the past on Nelson Lake and future actions to consider. The annual picnic in August was attended by 94 people. See the articles and pictures from both events later in this newsletter.
I want to thank all the volunteers who help make our association a success. The shoreline monitors who look for invasive weeds twice each summer at one or more of the 31 shoreline sectors on the lake; the team that helps change the 16 buoys each spring and fall; the board members that meet the first Monday every-other month and help with the many tasks that our association supports in the community; the boat inspectors who handed out informational cards about littering and are instrumental in keeping our lake free from invasive weeds; our welcome lady (Diane Stangl); and the many volunteers that help behind the scenes with the annual meeting, the annual picnic, and other support activities, including a special thanks to Ruth for publishing this excellent newsletter.