Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, October 7,2019
6:pm – Lenroot Town Hall
Rick Lindner opened the meeting at 6:32pm
Roll Call
Present: Rick Lindner, Harold Burton, Cara Goldman, Gordy Christians, Tom LeMay, Mark Schaenzer, Casey Stangl, Art Saxum, John Welter.
Absent: Steve Bilitz, Angie Dorenski, Kelly Plote.
Treasurer’s Report
Totals as of 9/30/2019
- Capital One Money Market Account: $37,697.99
- Checking Account: $4,232.18
- 230 members have paid dues.
A distribution of $10,000 has been requested from the Money Market account to pay the NLA commitment to Lenroot Township for the Nelson Lake Park project.
Two sponsors have paid their dues for advertising. The others will be contacted by Cara to obtain their payments.
Casey motioned to accept the treasurer’s report, John seconded, all approved.
Fall Newsletter
Ready to be published as soon as the treasurer’s report information is included.
Park and Town Board update
Work at the park planned for this year has been completed with blacktoping of the parking lot. Other items like picnic tables, electrical outlet in the pavilion, and playground equipment are for future considerations.
Town Board budget planning meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10th, at 6pm. Rick will attend to request funds to support boat inspections and pontoon insurance.
Invasive Monitoring Network
All sectors had someone assigned to look for invasive species this summer.
Water Sampling
Mat Diederich still has the sampling equipment and hopes to resume sending samples to the state lab next summer.
Clean Boats / Clean Waters
Additional inspectors are needed next summer. An article will be in the newsletter.
2019 data entry in SWIMS has been completed so the Grant Payment Request can be completed as soon as reports are available.
The 2020 Grant application must be done by December 15th on new forms following new instructions.
Fishing Has No Boundaries
Our records will be checked to determine if we made a financial donation previously. If so, a proposal will be sent to board members for approval to make the same donation this year.
Next meeting date change
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10th, 6:30 pm, at the Lenroot Town Hall.
Casey motioned adjournment, Art seconded, all approved.