Nelson L. Association Board Meeting minutes, Oct. 7, 2024

The meeting was opened promptly at 6:30 pm by President Dale McPherson.
Members present: Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Tom LeMay, Casey Stangl, Mark Schaenzer, Jeff Hanson, Dale McPherson, Mike Hallum, Glenn Rolloff, Scott Wied, and Steve Bilitz.

The Board meeting minutes of August 5, 2024 were read online. MOTION: to approve. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: We had $3, 810.71 in raffle and picnic expenses which resulted in a balance of $219.29. Picnic had 134 in attendance, which was higher than past years. We have $10, 396 in the checking account, and $29, 251 in our CD. MOTION: to approve. Passed.
Picnic Review: The August picnic had a great turnout, good food almost for all, and was well received. Next Spring we will look into food services from businesses on the lake for the ’25 picnic.

Fall Newsletter Status: Here are some of the items going into this newsletter: Dates for next year’s events; President’s letter; Financial totals; Scholarship info; Walleye stocking and lake drawdown; Annual meeting info. The newsletter will probably come out a couple weeks later.
2024 Scholarship: We gave $1, 000 in 2024. MOTION: To award $1,000 to a graduating high school senior for college environmental studies for 2025. Passed.

Buoy change-over: They are all now completed. The new pontoon and motor are working well.

CBCW Grant: The CBCW grant application was submitted and received, and is in good order. In January, 2025 we will submit for funds to be disbursed for 2025.
Donation to Civil Air Patrol: We have donated $250 each year for the tables/chairs we use for our picnic. MOTION: to give $250 to be used for youth programs. Passed.

Snow Grooming: There was very little snow to groom this past Winter season. MOTION: to give Kevin Harvey $500 for trail grooming on the lake at the end of the snow season. Passed.

Old Pontoon: The old pontoon needs to be taken out of John’s storage area. We want to sell the old pontoon with a motor. Value is around $400-600. We want to sell via Marketplace and Constant Contact, hopefully yet this Fall.
NLA Directory work: Our communication team could do the work of gathering membership info and getting the directory printed each year. The Board’s Treasurer has done this for some time and prefers not do it any longer.
New Pontoon update: The pontoon needs storge space. We are looking into working with the Township to build/buy a storage area somewhere around Nelson Lake.

Next meeting: Dec. 2, 2024 at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was closed at 7:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Steve Bilitz, Secr.