Board Meeting Minutes, August 5, 2024
The meeting was opened promptly by Pres. Dale McPherson at 6:30 pm.
Members present: Rick Lindner, Gordy Christians, Tom LeMay, John Welter, Casey Stangl, Mark Schaenzer, Jeff Hanson, Dale McPherson, Mike Hallum, Glenn Rolloff, Scott, Wied, and Steve Bilitz.
The Board meeting minutes of 6/3/24 were read online. MOTION: to approve. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: We currently have 235 Association members. There is $11, 044.93 in the checking account, and $28, 651.63 in the money market account. May thru’ July are our highest spending months; then after the August picnic, our spending goes way down. MOTION: to approve the report. Passed.
Conducting Association Business: There was a discussion on how we conduct business. It was decided together that we want to refrain from doing special business outside of our regularly held business meeting times. If an important item comes up between meetings that need a quick decision, we can call a special meeting, and discuss it then.
Invasive Species report: Nothing reported during this growing season.
Town Board report: Drawdown of Nelson L. begins Sept. 15. New pads at boat access sites go down when water gets below 4 ft. down later in the Fall. On8/19 Porky’s Rd. culvert will go in.
Resort Assoc. report: Summer T-shirts are almost gone. Lots were sold and they’ll probably order more for next season.
Raffle Ticket Sales report: Great sales with participating resorts well cared for all summer. We should have a few tickets available for sale at the picnic
Tagalder Beach report: Beach being used more by both boaters and those driving to the beach. More sand was placed down, while washouts are now gone too.
Walleye Stocking: 9,700 small 3-4 inch walleyes were stocked in various places around the lake. MOTION: to provide $7,500/year for 4 years for stocking walleyes from the Association. Passed.
Tom Whalen Memorial: $2, 500 was given to NLA in Tom’s name. There was a discussion on what we might do with this gift. MOTION: to do some landscaping around the park near the dam and purchase a plaque in recognition of the donation, not to exceed the gift of the donation. Passed.
Picnic Plans for 8/17: Tables and chairs will be ready to go just before the picnic. A grill, boating tube, and a Yeti cooler are the raffle prizes. MOTION: to give $250 to the Hayward Youth and Rescue for use of their tables/chairs. Passed.
New/used Pontoon: We purchased a 20 ft Northwood 1995 pontoon w/a 40 hp. Force motor. Small repairs and updates will be done by Board members.
Bouy Changeout: The bouys will be changed over by Sept. 15th or shortly after this Fall.
New Business: The Fall 2024 Newsletter will go out near the start of October. It will include NLA dates for events for 2025. There was a discussion on funding Nelson L fireworks. We will add a line for fireworks contributions on the Nelson L. Membership Form. MOTION: to give the funds taken in from the membership form donations to the two resorts displaying fireworks and supplement with money from the general fund to ensure each resort receives at least $500. Passed.
Next Board meeting: Oct. 7, 2024. MOTION: to close the meeting at 8:01 pm. Passed.
Respectfully submitted, Steve Bilitz, Secr.