Board Meeting Minutes Aug. 7, 2018

Nelson L Assoc. Board Meeting
Aug. 7, 2018
The meeting was opened promptly at 6:30 pm by Pres. Lindner.
Members present: Rick Lindner, Gordy Christians, Kelly Plote, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Tom LeMay, Cara Goldman, Mark Schaenzer, and Steve Bilitz.
Minutes of the last board meeting were approved via email.
Treasurer’s Report: We have $5,512.36 in the checking acct., and our Money Market has $37,566.24.
Annual Picnic Info: Set up between 2-4 pm, start eating around 500 pm, minnow races after the meal, and the raffle drawings after everyone is done eating. Finish with the take-down of tables, chairs, food items, and tents.
The Fall Newsletter items were discussed. Anything for the newsletter should go to Ruth Lindner by the end of September.
Park Status: Gordy gave an update on work at the park. It is progressing well.
Invasive Plant Monitoring: Angie has a full list of people who check various areas around the lake for invasive plants.
Clean Boats/Waters: Art has people checking at both launches now.
Nelson L. Resort Assoc. update: John reports that a new marketing plan for the Association has been started and will be up and working in the next couple of weeks.
Town Board update: The last of the black topping will be done this week.
The meeting was finished at 7:12 pm.
Next meeting: Mon Oct. 1, 2018.
Steve Bilitz, Secr.