Annual Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2018

Nelson L. Association
Annual Meeting, June 9, 2018
The meeting was opened promptly by Pres. Bill Wilcox.
Nelson L. Park Project: Gordy Christians, Lenroot Township Chairman, gave an update on the park’s improvements. The Township maintains this park. A grant was requested to develop the park by replacing restrooms and the well, adding a shelter, and enlarging the parking lot. Total cost: $98,500. Approx. $47, 486 grant from the DNR, $10K from Sawyer Co., $20K Lenroot Township, $20K Nelson L. Assoc., and $10K from the Nelson L. Resort Owners Assoc. The park will be used primarily by Nelson L. residents for picnics and gatherings, as well as fishing, boating, and hiking.
The Township is passing an ordinance to stop “power loading” boats on trailers on Nelson and Smith lakes. This action will help to keep the cement slabs in place at our boat launching areas. A boat inspector is still needed. If interested or know of someone who might serve in this paid work, contact Art Saxum.
Fish Habitat, Stockings, and Creel Survey – by Rick Lindner.
Walleye – We don’t have good natural reproduction in Nelson L. Since 2005 we have stocked over 164,000 extended growth walleyes. The 2014 stocked fish are approaching decent size. In 2017 we stocked fathead minnows with the stocked walleyes. While this is an experiment, similar stockings on Smith L. gave them a 10% survival increase.
Fish Sticks program – Since 2012 we put together tree clusters, which were expensive. In the 4th year we simply dropped trees along shore and cabled them to the stump. We have now used up all available public shoreline space. Cost for the fish sticks program has been shared by the NLA, Nelson L Resort Assoc., Walleyes for NW WI, Northland Builder’s Assoc., and the town of Lenroot.
Creel Survey – Last summer the DNR-Fisheries did a creel survey on Nelson L. They had 1 person in a boat asking anglers how they did when out fishing. Overall catch rate is better than in the 90’s, and overall fishing efforts are up from 2008-09, but less than 1992-93. Walleye fishing efforts have gone down, and LM bass efforts have gone up. The walleye catch is not terrible, just small in size, while 96% of walleyes caught were released. LM bass are kept less also, yet they are becoming a more popular part of the fishery. Very few pike are kept. If you’d like more specific info on our fishery, see page 9 of the Spring Newsletter.
Business meeting – led by Bill Wilcox.
Minutes from the June 10, 2017 annual meeting were approved.

Financial report –
Revenues, April 1 – March 31, 2018 $19,621
Expenses (same) 15,100
Ending balance $48,328
(Note: $20,000 has been earmarked for the Nelson L. Park Project) Thank you for members’ donations beyond their $20 membership dues. Dues brought in approx.. $6,900. Our NLA membership stands at 219 to date, which is about one half of those who own property on Nelson L.
The Financial Report was approved.

Elections – The following are up for election:
Rick Lindner – for President
Mark Schaenzer – for an open Director position
Angie Dorenski and Art Saxum – for reelection as Directors
All the above candidates were approved.

Other business:
NW WI Lakes Conference – June 22 in Spooner. NLA will reimburse your $45 registration fee.
Gift certificates awarded to Art Saxum and Doug Dannen.
The NLA presented Bill Wilcox with a framed print of Nelson L. to thank him for his 12 years of service as President. He and his wife Marlene are soon moving to Savage, MN.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Bilitz, Secretary, and Paula Bilitz, Scribe