Nelson L. Association Board Meeting Minutes
Oct. 1, 2018
The meeting was opened promptly at 630 pm by Pres. Rick Lindner.
Members present: Rick Lindner, Harold Burton, Angie Dorenski, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Kelly Plote, Gordy Christians, Tom LeMay, Cara Goldman, Mark Schaenzer, and Steve Bilitz.
The July, 2018 Board meeting minutes were approved via email.
Treasurer’s Report: There is $2,925.19 in the checking acct., and the Money Market acct. has $37,585.08 in it. MOTION to approve. Passed.
Fall Newsletter: it will go out in 2-3 weeks.
Park status: The shelter, sign, and blacktop are left to complete. No bids came in for building the shelter. These items will be completed in 2019.
Invasive Monitoring Network: There are 31 people doing invasive monitoring on Nelson L.
Clean Boats Clean Waters Grant: The grant request was submitted Oct. 1st. This grant money is used to pay for individuals who monitor our 2 public access sites.
Resort Assoc. Report: Nothing to report.
Town Board Update: Budget planning is done in October.
Buoy Swap: The summer buoys were swapped out on the last Saturday of Sept. The pontoon’s transom and engine were repaired so this work could be completed.
Fishing Has No Boundaries donation: We received a thank-you note for our $150 donation for use of their tables and chairs used at our annual picnic.
NLA monthly activities: Rick prepared a list of monthly regular activities. Let him know if you are aware of any other activities that we do.
NLA responsibilities: Rick also prepared a list of responsibilities and who on the Board does them. Let him know if you see any changes/corrections.
Appreciation Dinner: for Board members and spouses at Tall Pines Resort on Oct. 9th.
The meeting was closed at 7:05 pm.
Next meeting: Dec. 3, 2018 at 6:30 pm.
Steve Bilitz, Secretary