Board Meeting Minutes Dec. 3, 2018

Nelson L Assoc. Board Meeting, Dec. 3, 2018

Meeting opened promptly at 6:32 pm. Members present: Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Tom LeMay, Cara Goldman, Mark Schaenzer, and Steve Bilitz.
Treasurer’s Report: There is $37,603.93 in the money market acct., and we have $2,653.75 in the checking acct. Report passed.
Winter Rama: At the Landing on Jan. 5, 2019. MOTION: to have a walk/run/cc ski/snowshoe hike around the Big Island. Cost is $5.00 for a button and free drink at the Landing after the hike. An invitation to be sent out via Constant Contact with the hope of reaching a younger audience. There will be a 4-wheeler or snowmobile going around the Big Island for safety or helping anyone on the trail. Passed.

NABA Fishing Event: Jan. 19, 2019. We provide them parking and security.
WFNW WI Fishing Event: Feb. 16, 2019 at the LCO access site. We provide them parking and security. We’ll donate a picture of approx. $150.
Clean Waters/Clean Boats: We’ll be reimbursed for boat monitoring at our 2 public access sites for 2019. There was a discussion on the importance of boats being checked for invasive species, whether the boaters want to be checked or not.

Town Board Update: The power landing signs and dock repairs will happen in the Spring, 2019 after the water warms. A sign will be placed at the park highlighting donors.
Raffle ideas: This past year the kayak 100 tickets were sold out, while about 60 rifle raffle tickets were sold. We believe we can sell kayak tickets easier than any other idea. Well try to sell 200 tickets for 1 sit-on-top angling kayak. MOTION: to purchase an angling kayak and life-jacket for a cost of up to $500. Passed.
Website update: Our website host, Tim Gavigan, was contacted and asked about what he does for us. He hosts our website, renews the domain name annually, and makes any updates for us. Last year our cost was $174 of which $18 was for the domain name renewal. He started working for us in 2007, has redesigned our website a few times, and has put together similar websites for local lake associations in our area. We will ask Tim to give us the access to make minor changes ourselves.
Other topics: The VFW hall is set for our annual meeting. Rick is meeting with our fisheries biologist regarding a few questions we have about Nelson L fishery. We are also looking into purchasing canopies for our annual picnic.

Steve Bilitz, Secretary