June 11, 2016
The annual meeting opened at 9:15 am by President Bill Wilcox. He welcomed new and returning
Native Aquatic Plant Management (weed control): When controlling weeds, you can rake out 30 ft. around your dock. No permit is required for raking. You can also clear a 15 ft channel out to the main part of the lake. Be sure to take all cut weeds out of the water. Go beyond that and you will need a DNR permit to use any chemical weed control. Be reminded that obtaining a permit to control weeds is a VERY long process, probably one you will not enjoy attempting.
Clean Boats/Clean Waters Program with NLA Boat Inspections: These inspections’ purpose is to prevent the spread of invasive species into Nelson L. and inform people on state boating laws. Two access sites are manned: Gerlach’s Landing and the landing near the dam. The inspectors are paid $12/hour. Much of the inspection costs are paid by a state grant we received.
Fish Sticks Update: In cooperation with the WI DNR Fisheries and Forestry, we dropped trees along the south side of the Big Island. Lots of algae grows in these dropped trees. That provides habitat for many different types of aquatic creatures, including fish. We will meet with local Fisheries folks this summer to find another good spot for more fish sticks this coming winter.
Fish Stocking Program: Last year the DNR Fisheries stocked 25,000 extended growth (79 inch) walleyes. Walleyes will now be stocked every other year. Note that they were quite large for fingerlings. The DNR also stocked 1,000 finclipped suckers this past Fall. These forage fish were also pretty good size, some up to 16 inches. The suckers cost $3,000 and when they reproduce they will provide great food for walleyes and northern pike. Suckers were finclipped to identify these fish in later years.
Financial Report: As of 3/31/16 we had $2, 581.55 in the checking acct., $39, 800.84 in the money market acct., for a total balance of $42, 382.39. The Report was accepted.
Membership: We currently have 255 members in the NLA. Consider talking about the benefits of being members to your neighbors who might not know about the NLA.
Elections for NLA Board Positions:
The following were elected to the Board:
Harold Burton – VicePresident
Gordy Christians – Director
Tom LeMay – Director
Kelly Plote – appointed Director
Steve Bilitz – Secretary
Northwestern Wisconsin Lakes Conference June 24, 2016 in Spooner. This conference has a great agenda for lake home owners. NLA members can have their $45 registration fee reimbursed by the Association.
Scholarship: was given to Hayward HS grad Rachael Radcliffe. This $500 scholarship was given by the NLA.
Near the close of the meeting, 2 members received $25 gift certificates to use at any of the Nelson L. area businesses.
The annual meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.
Steve Bilitz, Secr.