Board Meeting, June 6, 2016

Nelson Lake Assoc. Board Meeting, June 6, 2016

The meeting opened promptly at 6:30 pm.

Treasurer’s Report: There is $5,378.70 in the checking acct., $39,820.75 in our Money Market acct., for a total of $45,199.45. We are considering how to best make use of our relatively large amount in our financial accounts.

Motion: to move $2,000 from the general fund to the Lakes Project Fund. Passed.

Annual Meeting: scheduled for Sat. June 11th at the VFW hall. Board members will meet at 8 am to get the room organized. We will have info on new lake zoning from the State. A video called NonConforming Structures will be available. After the meeting, it was determined that we could not show the video at the VFW Hall.

Wisconsin Lakes dues: This organization has increased its dues to a maximum of $700. We have paid them $300/year to represent us in Madison. Our dues have increased quite a bit.

Motion: To pay WI Lakes $300 in dues, as we did last year, and add a letter to have them redefine their limits on our costs. Passed.

Northwest Lakes Conference: June 24th in Spooner. This is a very good conference for lake home owners to attend.

Motion: To reimburse the $45 registration fee to any Nelson Lake Assoc. Member. Passed.

Pontoon Trailer Use: We recently purchased a new pontoon trailer for our pontoon. The trailer will be used for Associationapproved events only. Use is to be approved in advance by the Nelson Lake Assoc. Board.

Sucker Stocking: This past Fall we stocked 1,000 79 inch suckers. We asked our local DNR Fisheries Biologist, Max Wolter, to consider Nelson L getting another 1,000 suckers. He is in agreement in doing this project. Total cost last year was $3,000.

Motion: to contact Golden Bros. company for 1,000 suckers. Passed.

Fish Sticks Project: Last winter we dropped approx. 80 trees into Nelson L and chained them to the shore. They are used as fish habitat. We asked Max Wolter to tour Nelson L. to fix an area for next year’s fish sticks cutting. We’ll meet with him in July.

Fishing Pier: We are considering building a fishing pier for Nelson L. One possible location would be near the dam and boat access site nearby. There is space available with parking and toilets there. We will continue to look for the best possible location for this fishing pier.

Next meeting: Aug. 1, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Steve Bilitz, Secretary