Nelson L. Assoc. Board Meeting, Aug. 3, 2020

Nelson L. Assoc. Board Meeting, Aug. 3, 2020

The meeting was opened by Pres. Rick Lindner at 6:35 pm.

Members present: Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Tom Le May, Cara Goldman, Mark Schaenzer, Jeff Hanson, and Steve Bilitz.

Minutes of the special Board meeting were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: The AED’s were received, paid for, and will be installed later this week. We currently have 228 total members in the Nelson L. Assoc.

Board Elections: MOTION: to approve the election results from the Special Board Meeting. Passed. Angie Dorenski asked to step down from her Board position. MOTION: To approve Angie’s request to step down and have Mike Hallum take that Board position. Passed.

Park Picnic Tables: All 8 metal picnic tables were assembled and installed at the park.

Lenroot Township Board update: The Nelson L. drawdown will begin Sept. 15th. After the water has receded a bit, the culvert work will start after Oct. 1st. Blacktopping and gravel work will begin later this week on a couple Township roads.

Lake Drawdown updates: Info cards regarding the drawdown are now at the lake’s resorts. Also, there are info signs at the access sites on the lake.

Resort Assoc. update: There are now 13 resorts in this Association. There wasn’t a Spring meeting, but they will likely meet this Fall.

AED Status: As stated above, the AED’s are now installed. Info about these AED’s, what they can do, and where they are located will be in the Nelson L. Fall Newsletter.

Shoreline Monitoring: We have a list of all the volunteers who look for invasive species on Nelson L. There is a need for a few more volunteers.

Fall Newsletter: Rick presented a list of items going into this Newsletter. Material for the Newsletter is due by Oct. 1st.

Next Board meeting will be held Oct. 5, 2020 starting at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Steve Bilitz, Secr.