Nelson Lake Board of Directors Meeting Monday, October 5, 2020

Nelson Lake Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, October 5, 2020

6:30 p.m. – Lenroot Town Hall
The meeting opened at 6:30pm.

Roll Call
We have Present: Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, John Welter, Tom LeMay, Cara Goldman, Mike Hallum, Dale McPherson and Jeff Hanson
Absent: Steve Bilitz, Mark Schaenzer, Casey Stangl
Minutes of the August 3rd Board meeting were approved online and confirmed by members present.

Treasurer’s Report:
There are currently 233 members in the Association. The new directory for 2021 should be delivered to the printer by November 1st.
Some new members used an old form where the dues were $20. Their membership was accepted. Rick will check the website to make sure the current form with $30 dues is there.

Fall Newsletter:
Ruth is working on the newsletter; all of the content was received.
Rick asked Cara to review the sponsors list.

Lenroot Township Board update:
The Nelson Lake drawdown began Sept 15th. It is currently down about 18 inches, The drawdown is going slower than expected. As of October 5th a total of 67 inches of stop logs has been removed from the dam. When we are at the target of 48 inches the top 19 inches of logs will be replaced to maintain the desired level over the winter.
Work on the culvert on Jolly Fisherman is expected to begin around Oct 15th.

Buoy Changeover:
It happened on September 13th.
Lost Anchors at Dam, Buds Rock, Tanning Point. Rick suggested hiring a diver to recover the anchors. Gordy recommended just creating new ones. Rick will check on the cost of hiring a diver and we will discuss again in December.

Invasive Monitoring Network:
12 sections required replacement volunteers this year. They were all covered this year but the Erickson family has 6 sections on North end and could use some help. There will be an article in the Fall Newsletter explaining the process and looking for additional volunteers. A copy of the map of the lake showing the sections will be sent to Board members and included in the newsletter with the article.

Water Sampling:
We are continuing to capture water samples. The lake is the clearest it has been since 2007. There isn’t an explanation as to why. We may need another volunteer to conduct the sampling next year.

Clean Boats / Clean Water:
We will need two additional Inspectors in 2021. The work pays $12 per hour and is scheduled on weekends and holidays. A Help Wanted note will be placed in the fall newsletter. If anyone knows someone that may be interested they should have them contact Rick.
Rick has completed the 2021 Grant application, it’s a month earlier this year. Cara has not received the payment yet.

Fishing Has No Boundaries:
No update for this meeting.

Resort Association Update:
There wasn’t a spring or fall meeting this year.
John thinks the occupancy rate this may have been the best in 10 years.

2021 Events:
Annual Picnic:
The 2021 picnic will plan to be held at the county park by the dam. Rick suggested we adjust the date by a week to avoid the fishing tournament that is normally held the same weekend as the picnic, to avoid parking problems.

Winter Rama:
There was a discussion on whether or not we should have one due to Covid 19. The group determined we should wait and see if there is a Birkie next year. If it is canceled, we will cancel the Winter Rama. A decision will be made at the December Board meeting.

Other Business:
No Wake buoy request for the channel by Jolly Fisherman:
Current boating laws require no wake within 100 feet of all shorelines, docks and other boats. Due to the width of the channel being less than 100 feet, it is already a no wake area. The Board does not support adding another buoy at this time but will include a reminder of the no wake rules in the Spring Newsletter.
Creation of a public beach where the Tagalder Boat Landing:
The most popular beach on the lake (commonly referred to as North Beach, Vertical Beach or Grass Island Beach) is private property and can no longer be used as a public beach. Mike and Jeff suggested creating a new beach at the Tagalder boat landing. That land is owned by the County Forest Service. Mike/Jeff will contact Greg Peterson at the Forest Service to determine feasibility. The Lake Association Board would support the creation of the beach if we can acquire the necessary permits.
John motioned to adjourn the meeting, Dale seconded the motion, all approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.
Next Board Meeting – Monday December 7th, 2020, 6:30 p.m., Lenroot Town Hall.