Nelson L. Association Board Meeting Minutes, March 27,2023
The meeting was opened by Pres. Rick Lindner promptly at 6:30 pm.
Members present: Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, John Welter, Tom Le May, Mark Schaenzer, Jeff Hanson, Dale McPherson, Mike Hallum, and Steve Bilitz.
The Board meeting minutes from Dec. 5, 2022 were reviewed via email and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: No report.
Scholarship candidates: There was a discussion on what to do with the scholarship money. MOTION: To give the scholarship to Emma when we receive her transcripts with a GPA of 1.8 or better. Passed. MOTION: to rescind the above motion. Passed. MOTION: to give Emma a 2nd chance to up her GPA on the 2nd quarter of grades to exceed the minimum average. Passed.
Raffle ideas: This season we will again sell tickets for $10 each or 3 for $T25 with 400 total tickets. MOTION: To have 3 prizes of a Camp Chef stove, a Yeti cooler, and a fishing Kayak. Passed.
FHNB Plans: There will be a pontoon for this event from NLA.
NABA Ice Fishing Event: This year’s event had low attendance due to local youth activities and poor ice conditions. The rest of the event went well. The Builder’s Assoc. gave NLA $500 for parking and security assistance.
Lenroot Town Board Report: The township elections will happen next week Tuesday. Road areas to be redone are on Tanning Pt Rd near Bullhead Lake, and Porkies Rd near the KOA. The Town Board will add a playground set and additional blacktop pavement up near the Pavilion for handicap access at the Dam picnic area. This effort will be helped by donations of $5,000 each from the NLA and the Nelson L. Resort Assoc.
Buoy change plans: Dale will get a list of people to help with the buoy placement after ice-out.
Spring Newsletter: Rick made a list of Spring Newsletter items. Important dates include: 6/10/23 Annual Meeting, 8/12/23 Annual Picnic, and 1/6/24 Winter Rama. The Newsletter is targeted to go out by 4/30/23.
Sawyer County Lake’s Forum: No meetings or website changes since 2018.
The next NLA Board meeting will be on June 5, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting closed at 7:40 pm.
Respectively submitted, Steve Bilitz, Secr.