Board of Director’s Meeting – Oct. 5, 2015
Called to order at 6:30 pm. Roll call was taken.
Financial Report: $8,345 in the checking acct., and $29,745 in the MMC acct., for a total of
Items to include in next Newsletter (deadline Nov. 1st for inclusion): Info on Annual Meeting;
August Picnic; Meet the Board; Stocking of walleyes and suckers into Nelson L.; Big Island land
sale; Fish Sticks program; Duck Po update, and possibly the Nelson L. area History Book.
Fish Sticks program: Next area to add fish sticks will be the south shore of the Big Island. Trees
are now marked for a winter cut/cable to the shoreline of approx. 80 trees. Work will begin with
about 12″ of ice.
Clean Boats/Clean Water Grant: Grant money received. The WI DNR paid 75% of the $6900
total cost.
Motion: To approve a grant of $8,000 for inspections at 2 boat landings for 2016. Passed.
Stocking of Nelson L.: Approx. 25,000 extended growth walleyes and 1,000 suckers to be
stocked this Fall.
Buoy removal: This will be done on Oct. 14 (wind date Oct. 21). Meet at the dam boat landing at
9:00 am.
History Book: We plan to put together a history book of the Nelson L. area with info from before
and after the building of the Nelson L. dam. Pictures and stories are welcome from all.
Fishing Tournaments: There are many fishing tourneys on Nelson L. each year.
Motion: To ask the Nelson L. Resort Assoc. to let us know about when a tournament will be held
and where they’ll hold their weigh-in ceremony. Passed.
Next meeting: Dec. 7, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
Steve Bilitz, Secr.