Board of Directors Meeting Monday, April 6, 2015

Board of Directors Meeting Monday, April 6, 2015
6:30 p.m. – Stangl Residence

Bill opens meeting.
Roll Call
Present: Bill Wilcox, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Harold Burton, Terri Burton, Dan
Vertanen, Diane Cooper
Absent: Mary Walker, Angie Havel, Chris Sanger
February 2, 2015 minutes approved via email prior to posting minutes on website.
Treasurer’s Report
Totals as of 3/15/2015
Capital One Money Market Acct: $29,704.86
Checking: $6,340.12
Bill motions to accept treasurer’s report. Rick seconds, all approve.
Casey indicated the money market account goes dormant after no use for 12 months. Suggestion made to add
$100.00 every 6 months to keep active ($200.00/year). Rick seconds, all approve.
Transfer $330.00 from general fund to Lake Project to cover Wisconsin Lakes dues. Also, transfer $300.00 from
general fund to Lake Project. Bill made a motion to transfer funds from general fund to Lake Project. Rick seconds, all
Scholarship Candidates
Kathy and Duane recommended Thayne Marlow for this year’s scholarship candidate. Bill made a motion to accept
Kathy and Duane’s recommendation of Thayne Marlow. Casey seconds, all approve.
Bill sent a note to Jake McCusker regarding his plans for the upcoming year; will he be continuing college; and are his
grades up to par? If so NLA will help him again next year.
Board Election
The following board members are up for re-election this fall:
Bill Wilcox – will run again
Diane Cooper – will run again
Rick Lindner – will run again
Angie Havel – ?
We will put a note in the spring newsletter for anyone interested in running.
Newsletter Articles
Mary sent Bill list of items to include:
„h Feature new board members – Chris Sanger, Angie Havel, Terri Burton
Chris will continue to do chemical testing.
„h Rick will resend fish sticks article to Mary and add photos
„h Garage sale coming up – save your treasures.
„h Lakes Alive Exhibit – Mary is working with lady in Cable and may pursue
„h Winterama Pictures – Mary
„h Put in a reminder for “Adopt A Highway”; garbage pickup
„h DNR is asking for ice in/out information. We have information on ice out back to 1973; ice on back to 1978.
Rick will enter into the DNR data base and see if graphs are available that may be of interest.
AIS Manual Distribution
30 copies have been printed for shoreline monitors. An additional 15 were printed up for people who check resort
launches looking for weeds. Manuals will be given to Diane to disperse to shoreline folks.
All board members should be on section list. 2 or 3 sections are missing someone. Diane may send out an email on
where to pick up (work and/or home) or leave some at The Landing and Tall Pines
Bill found a Lenovo Yoga Laptop 2 that has a touch screen and keyboard, runs Windows 8 and is under $500.00.
Windows 9 will be available this year, possibly later this summer. Will raffle at picnic and do approval via e-mail.
We will sell 200 tickets at $10.00/ticket.
Private Fish Sticks
Pursue letting private properties owners get involved. Nelson Lake Association would cover $500.00 fee for permit if
enough are interested in participating. Property owners would identify trees. DNR Forestry would cut trees and NLA
would do cabling. Need to check on zoning and if county may have any restrictions. May be a winter project. Bill will
check on zoning.
Would need to have to set specific criteria to do. Do we want to move forward with private property; potentially
could be running all over the lake. Discussion will be tabled until next meeting.
Max has a permit to do the island this winter.
Annual Meeting Presentations
We will feature fish population survey; boat launch inspections; fish sticks. Rick will talk to Max and talk about survey.
Other Topics of Interest
Fishing Has No Boundaries event will be May 15-16. Bill made a motion to make Nelson Lake Association pontoon
available to FHNB for the event. Casey seconds, all approve.
John indicated a push is being made to eliminate park models in RV parks in Sawyer County. Dale Olson, head of
zoning, will be hosting upcoming meeting that is open to the public.
Governors Open is weekend of May 1st and the governor will be in attendance.
Rick has boat launch coverage is as follows –
Donna – Gerlach’s
Heather and Chuck will be at West Basin
Simon Terry will be at West Basin
Rick has put a schedule together. With the ice out will probably start earlier this year with a minimum of 200 hours.
DNR is doing satellite passovers every 8 days and measuring water clarity when the sky is clear. Comparison being
done with similar waters.
Angie sent a list of potential rules for the upcoming NLA photo contest at the summer picnic. The board went
through each item with only a couple of changes:
3) the photos become property of NLA
6) the dates should be 6/13 start and 8/8 end
8) we need to work out the details of the prizes. Prizes should be kept on the lake.
9) we like the categories but need to work out a release in order to use people pictures.
Judges – we agree with your recommendations and Terri has agreed to be a judge.
Bill motions to adjourn, John seconds, all approve.
Next Board Meeting Monday, June 8, 2015
Lenroot Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.