Nelson L. Association Board
Meeting Minutes 10/2/23
The meeting was opened at Tall Pines Resort by Pres. Rick Lindner.
Members present: Rick Lindner, Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, Tom LeMay, Casey Stangl, Jeff Hanson, Dale McPherson, Mike Hallum, Glenn Rolloff, and Steve Bilitz.
The Board meeting minutes of 8/7/23 were read online with additions. MOTION: to approve the minutes. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: At the end of the 2nd Quarter, we had a total of $49, 529 in the checking and savings accounts. A proposal was discussed to have door prize certificates in addition to the raffle drawing at next year’s picnic. The certificates will be redeemable at the resorts that sell raffle tickets. They will be good for a one time purchase up to $50, and will expire on August 1st the following year. Resort owners will be contacted before proceeding. MOTION: to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Passed. MOTION: to approve the gift certificates. Passed.
Picnic Review: 134 attended the 2023 picnic. Next year’s meal will have a wee bit less beef and chicken. There was a discussion on how the picnic went, starting and ending times, and the date for the picnic. MOTION: to have the picnic from 4-6pm on 8/17/24 next year. Passed.
Fall Newsletter: There will be a good, full newsletter this Fall. All input has been sent to Kim Simonson for publishing by the end of October, 2023.
High School Scholarship: We will again award a scholarship of $1,000 to a graduating Senior in high school who plans to study Environmental Studies. MOTION: to approve the $1000 scholarship. Passed
Buoy Change: The lake’s buoys will be changed on Oct. 10, 2023.
Clean Boat Clean Water Grant Application: The grant application is due on 11/30/23.
Donation to Civil Air Patrol: We borrowed tables and chairs from them for our annual picnic. MOTION: to give $250 to the Civil Air Patrol. Passed.
Grooming Snow Trails: Snow trails are groomed on Nelson L. once we have safe ice (January- March) around the lake and from each resort. It has worked out really well; the trails are well used. MOTION: to pay Kevin Harvey $500 for trail grooming. Passed.
Other items: 1) There was a discussion on giving $$$ to fireworks displayers for the July 4th celebration. More discussion will follow at the December meeting. 2) Winter Rama: If weather permits, there will be a Big Island Challenge ski event that day. “I Beat the Big Island” buttons will be made. MOTION: to make 25 buttons for Winter Rama. Passed. 3) St Croix Hatchery gave us 1,300 extended growth walleyes to stock in Nelson L. Cost was $5,000. 4) The Nelson L. Board will have a meeting with Max Wolter from DNR-Fisheries sometime this fall or winter. . We will discuss a variety of issues regarding the Nelson L. fishery. 5) The township has completed blacktop work at the Park and is requesting cost sharing that was previously discussed. This will be finalized at the December meeting.
Next meeting: Dec. 4, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Bilitz, Secr.