Board of Directors Meeting Monday, October 6, 2014

Board of Directors Meeting Monday, October 6, 2014
6:30 p.m. – Lenroot Town Hall

Bill opens meeting.
Roll Call

Present: Bill Wilcox, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Casey Stangl, Diane Cooper, John Welter, Chris Sanger, Terri Burton
Absent: Dan Vertanen, Mary Walker, Harold Burton

August 4, 2014 minutes approved via email prior to posting minutes on website.

Treasurer’s Report
Totals as of 09/30/2014
Capital One Money Market Acct: $24,632.38
Checking: $8,839.58
Rick motions to accept treasurer’s report. John seconds, all approve.
Fish Sticks – Rick Lindner update
Confirmed 45 – 46 trees have been marked.
Only winter project this season is to cut and cable before too much snow and cold. We are looking for a forester to assist with cutting trees in December.
Bill asked Casey to double check if there may be a need to obtain more large cable as well as clamps. Casey will look into.
Fall Newsletter
Max Wolter – article on fyke nets, shocking survey, fall survey
Bill Wilcox – Scholarship winner
Casey Stangl – will be emailing Mary with write up for fall newsletter
Casey noted the previously posted newsletters are missing from the updated website for NLA. Diane will look into this.
Grant for Clean Boat Clean Water
Grant for $8,000.00
DNR will reimburse up to $6,000.00
Present grant funds will cover Donna and West Basin for 2014.
Bill will be submitting another grant for next year to cover Gerlach Landing and the West Basin. The grant application is due December 10, 2014.
Kristy Maki Bill will send a letter of recommendation to the County Board with a copy to Dale Olson recommending that the County AIS Coordinator position be funded by the State and/or the County and that Kristy Maki fill that position in the coming year.
Casey motioned to approve, Rick 2nds, all approve.
AIS Mailer (passed around couple meetings ago)
Cost $40.00 per copy to produce to give to each shoreline inspector. Bill asked Bob what he could do to reproduce. Bob put a copy together and obtained an estimate from Advanced Printing for approximately $15.00 per copy for printing and laminating. We are looking into the cost of having the copies printed and laminating ourselves. We are also checking into a way to fasten the 5 copies together, rings were a suggestion. Approximately 30 copies are needed.
Boat Launch Signs
Signs are ready and nicely done.
Bill is still waiting for approval from DOT. Multiple attempts have been made with no results.
We will be putting up signs in spring and see what happens.
Will be gathering buoys Wednesday, October 8, 2014. Meet at 9:00 a.m.
FHNB/SRC Pontoon Use
A very nice thank you was received from Fishing Has No Boundaries for the pontoon use on 8/13/14.
Natural Gas Service
Bob Walker and Chris Sanger discussed the unavailability of natural gas service on Nelson Lake and wondered about the need to push for it. It was felt that this is not in lines of the association rather a Town of Lenroot matter.
Board Director Replacement
Mike Murry’s position remains unfilled. We are actively looking for a replacement for his position.
June Board President Vacancy
Bill will be retiring in June. We are actively looking for a replacement for his position. Mary Walker and Gordy Christians are considering.
Bill would like to remain as an active member of the Board upon his retirement as President.
Casey moves to adjourn, John 2nds, all approve.
Next Board Meeting Monday, December 1, 2014
Lenroot Town Hall 6:30 p.m.