Board of Directors Meeting Monday, December 1, 2014
6:30 p.m. – Lenroot Town Hall
Bill opens meeting.
Roll Call
Present: Bill Wilcox, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Dan Vertanen, Mary Walker, Harold Burton.
Absent: Chris Sanger, Terri Burton, Diane Cooper.
October 4, 2014 minutes approved via email prior to posting minutes on website.
Treasurer’s Report
Totals as of 11/30/2014
Capital One Money Market Acct: $24,662.98
Checking: $8,421.09
Casey motions to move $300 to Lake Project Account. Rick seconds all approve.
John motions to accept treasurer’s report. Bill seconds, all approve.
Boat Launch
Bill is working on the final totals for boat launches activities, will send to all board upon completion.
Current data not final.
„h Total Coast $6169.00
„h NLA cost $1542.00
„h DNA Grant $4626.00
„h Township share around $500 (Bill will attend town board meeting to present)
Special thanks to Rick Lindner for coordinating the boat launch monitors.
John and Linda Welter will be hosting the WinterRama on January 3, 2015.
Discussed using a celebrity judge.
Discussion around asking one of the following John Yackel, Dan Dunes, Tim Duffy.
John will call John Yackel and Tim Duffy to see if either is interested in judging the chili and desert.
Constant Contact announcement/reminder will be sent by Mary around December 18.
Fish Sticks Update
Discussion to cable trees for fish sticks yet this week.
Rick contacting Max Wolter for DNR availability the week of December 8 for dropping trees prepping for cabling.
Will need at least 4 individuals for cabling.
Casey picking up 600 ft. of cable and clamps at estimated cost of $343.00 plus tax.
Bill motions to reimburse Casey for the cable, John seconds all approve.
NABA Fishing Event
January 17, 2014 on Nelson Lake.
NLA will assist at the event with traffic control and security.
Constant Contact announcement will be sent after New Year’s.
WFNW Fishing Event
Walleye’s for Northwest Wisconsin family fishing event – February 14, 2014 on Lac Courte Oreilles.
NLA will assist with security and parking.
John was checking on a wildlife picture for donation for the event.
Constant Contact will be sent announcing the event.
Other Business
Email Constant Contact in need of renewal.
Bill motions for up to $200 to renew Constant Contact membership.
John seconds and all approve.
Gordy motions to adjourn, Casey 2nds, all approve.
Next Board Meeting Monday, February 2, 2015.
Lenroot Town Hall 6:30 p.m.