Meeting Minutes – Dec 9, 2017

Nelson L. Assoc. Board Meeting, Dec. 9, 2017

Meeting was opened by Pres. Bill Wilcox. Board meeting minutes were approved.

Members present: Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, Rick Lindner, Angie Dorenski, Art Saxum, Casey Stangl, John Welter, Bill Wilcox, Kelly Plote, Tom LeMay, Cara Goldman, and Steve Bilitz.

Treasurer’s Report: All our bills are paid. We have $37,494.95 in the money market fund, and $7,549.14 in the checking acct.
Winter-Rama will be held on Jan. 6, 2018.

Fish Sticks Program: We will secure 20-30 trees just south of Crappie Bay. We’ll get out when the ice is safe for vehicle traffic.
Northern Area Builder’s Assoc. will have their fishing event Jan. 20, 2018.
Walleyes for NW WI will have their fishing event on LCO on Feb. 17, 2018. We will do traffic control and security.

Motion: to purchase a framed picture in the $150-200 range and donate it to Walleyes for NW WI. Passed.
The Nelson L Assoc. will again have a $500 scholarship available for a high school student for 2018. Updated info will go out to Hayward High School.

Raffle ideas: If you have any ideas, email them to Bill Wilcox. Now we plan to raffle off a choice of either a rifle or a kayak costing us up to approx.. $600.
An individual living on Nelson L. would like to dredge the lake bottom from his shore out toward deeper water. He wanted to know if we would support this effort. Pres. Wilcox told him that if he gets a DNR permit for dredging, the NLA would not object to doing this effort.

Grant for park work: Sawyer county and Lenroot Township have preliminary approval for $47,000 for work at the park above the access site near the Nelson L dam.

Meeting was closed at 8:38 pm.

Steve Bilitz, Secretary