Annual Meeting June 14, 2014

Nelson Lake Association 32nd Annual Meeting June 14, 2014

Hayward Vet’s Center

Welcome by President, Bill Wilcox

Clean Boats/Clean Waters on Nelson Lake – Rick Lindner, NLA
Report on boat inspections
Gerlach Landing 2012 boats checked 638 People 1620 Inspector hours 296
2013 boats checked 791 People 1979 Inspector hours 791
West Basin Landing at the Dam
2013 boats checked 96 People 232 Inspector hours 109.5
2013 Costs Total DNR Grant NLA
Gerlach Landing $3618.00 $2713.50 $904.50
West Basin $1314.00 -0- $1314.00
TOTAL $4932.00 $2713.50 $2218.50
2014 Both Landings – Staffed May 2 thru September 6, 2014
Total DNR Grant Lenroot NLA
Gerlach Landing $4000.00 $3000.00 -0- $1000.00
West Basin $4000.00 $3000.00 $1000.00 -0-______
TOTAL $8000.00 $6000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00
Landings Coordinator – Rick Lindner ( also substitute inspector)
Gerlach Landing – Donna Ritter
West Basin Landing – Chuck Vind (Saturday and Tournaments)
Simon Terry (Sundays and Holiday’s)
Jack Terry (Sundays and Holiday’s)
Fisheries Status & Plans – Max Wolter, DNR
Nelson Lake 2014 Fisheries Update
Researching last 15 years walleyes were the top predators but somewhere in last years they have stopped natural production.
Why? Habitat? Very complex some think bass ate all the walleye’s maybe somewhat but something happened to cause the change.
Clear water – less favorable for walleye as they like dark areas and more favorable for bass. The drought years caused clearer water due to less run off from upper basin streams.
Less walleye equals more pan fish – bigger numbers mean smaller fish be it pan fish or bass.
This is not just Nelson Lake with this challenge many lakes are challenged.
Nelson Lake started recovery planning much sooner than other lakes. We have been stocked with extended growth walleye’s for several years already and DNR has changed bass regulations to help take smaller bass.
DNR working to recreate the balance
>DNR and Nelson Lake Association have stocked 65,000 extended growth walleye’s between 2005 & 2013.
>Extended growth walleye stocking only a band aide, mother-nature does much better than us with natural walleye reproduction.
>DNR has taken off the length limit and changed opening day with a goal to cut down the number of 12″ bass.
>Walleye 18″ length currently.

Spring 2014 fkye netting for walleye, pike, bass, blue gill and perch show some promising results.

>DNR when doing the fyke netting clipped a fin to mark the fish they wish to track.
>2011 DNR reported mostly large 20″ walleye with very few smaller fish.
>2014 DNR results are showing the big walleye plus a larger amount of the 15-18″ walleye which appear to be a result of the past stocking.
>Walleye catch rates in 2011 4 per net, 2014 had 5.8 per net
>2008 adult walleye equal 1500, 2014 have about 2500 adult walleye; the difference is in the young adult walleyes. We are tracking in the right direction.
>Nelson Lake is the first lake the DNR is seeing a turn around. (? In Sawyer county) Northern Pike unique fishery on Nelson, consistent in the 30″+ range. Some have Esocid Lymphoscoma but not too concerned.
>Crappie netting missed their peak, generally smaller than they like 6-8″. DNR would like 10-12″
>Yellow Perch not many large 8-9″. Perch are a really important food supply for all other fish. Perch love the fish sticks.
>Large Mouth Bass – 2011 – 40 per mile most around 12″

2014 – 12.3 per mile around 14″ not sure this is accurate, too large of a drop. Appears we have been successful in taking out some of the smaller bass. Goal lower density bass population with larger bass for our angler’s.
>Bluegill – 2011 high density 4-5″ fish 603 per mile too many

2014 more fish now in 7-8″ 72 per mile Love fish sticks!!
Future Management plans for Nelson Lake
>DNR stocking plan for Nelson Lake – 27,000 extended growth walleye fall 2015
>Assist Nelson Lake Association with fish sticks projects.
>Promote harvest of largemouth bass for effective lake balance.

Nelson Lake 2014 spearing by tribes – 12 walleye taken.
32nd Annual Business Meeting:
Bill motioned to approve the June 8, 2013 minutes- All Approved
Treasurers Report:
Bill Wilcox gave the Financial Report for Fiscal Year End as of March 31, 2014 for Casey Stangl.
2014 Audit Review
Beginning Balance April 1, 2013 $26,207.77
Ending Balance March 31, 2014 $31,630.05
Current paid Memberships 254
Bill motioned to approve Treasurer Report -All Approved
Board Members up for re-election are:
Treasurer – Casey Stangl – Standing
BOD – John Welter – Standing
BOD- Kathy Preuss – withdrawing
BOD- Jon Mostrum – withdrawing
NLA Board Nominee’s
Terri Burton
Chris Sanger
Bill motions for other nominations, no new nominations.
Bill motions to accept Terri Burton and Chris Sanger to the board all approve.
Door Prize Drawing
2 $25.00 Gift Certificates
Don Grams
Anne Fleischman
Bill motions to adjourn meeting all in favor.
32nd Annual Meeting adjourned to June 13, 2015
Minutes – Mary Walker, Secretary