Board Meeting Minutes, Feb. 3, 2020

Nelson L. Association Board Meeting minutes

Feb. 3, 2020

Opened promptly at 6:30 pm by Pres. Lindner.

Members present: Harold Burton, Gordy Christians, Kelly Plote, John Welter, Cara Goldman, Jeff Hanson, Rick Lindner, and Steve Bilitz. (we welcome Jeff to the Board of Directors)
Minutes of the Dec. 10, 2019 Board meeting were read and passed.

Treasurer’s Report: The 1099 forms were mailed out by the end of the month. We have $13,164.40 in the checking account, and $27,719.43 in the Money Market account. We have general liability insurance for $1 million per occurrence We have received all the grant money from the State of WI for our Clean Boats Clean Lakes program, and a $500 donation from the Northland Builder’s Assoc. Our raffle license and P.O. Box have been renewed. Our final payment in the amount of $4,508.69 was sent to Lenroot Township for the Nelson L. Park. MOTION: to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Passed.

Membership renewals at $30/year will be mailed out by March 15, 2020.
WinterRama report: Another very good event for NLA. There were 14 people who successfully “Beat the Big Island”. Photos were sent to Ruth Lindner for the Spring Newsletter. Promos for next winter’s event will go into the Fall Newsletter. It is very helpful to have the ATV club situated around the Big Island to help folks who may need assistance. At our next meeting, Paula Bilitz will give us some preliminary info on a July kayaking event. This will be its own event and be scheduled away from the 4th of July.

CBCW Grant: Money was received to help us pay for the summer staff manning the 2 public boat launches on Nelson L.
Walleyes for NW WI fishing event: Our volunteers are scheduled for this 2/15/20 event at the LCO boat launch. We help them with parking and security.

Spring Newsletter: The following items will be in this Newsletter: Annual meeting agenda; walleye stocking and drawdown plans for Nelson L.; Treasurer’s report and membership updates; Elections and Board members photos; Raffle plans for the summer picnic; Updates about the Jolly Fisherman Road culvert and future Nelson L. Park plans; Nelson L. fishing regs; WinterRama recap; and advertiser cards. Target publication is 4/15/20 with articles to Ruth Lindner by 3/15/20.

Raffle Items: we are still looking for a good buy for the kayaks.

Scholarship update: Kelly reports that payment and thank you letter was received from the 2019 winner. Applications were sent out to local high schools for the 2020 scholarship.
Drawdown information: The Nelson L. drawdown will run from Sept. 15, 2020 thru’ April 15, 2021. The lake will be lowered about 14 inches/week until we reach 4 ft. below the normal highwater mark. When the water is low enough, Jolly Fisherman Rd. will be closed for approx. 1 day to reposition a road culvert pending the outcome of a court case to be held later this winter, dam structures will be inspected, and boat landings will be repaired while the water is low before freeze-up comes to the lake. Drawdown info posters will be given this summer to all lake resorts, and we wll make handout cards for the boat inspectors at the 2 boat landings. We will also make an announcement regarding the drawdown in the Spring newsletter.
There were no reports from the Township Board and the Nelson L. Resort Assoc.
Rick Lindner received an email regarding potential changes in state law that could affect flowage lake shore owners across the state. He will pass along this info so we can respond to state officials.

Nelson L. Website privacy: Currently, we have Board members’ addresses, phone and email addresses on our website. There really isn’t any reason to have them there. We do need the NLA post office number on our site. MOTION: to remove all Board members’ addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Passed.

AED discussion: We received a check for $5,000 to help pay for defibrillator devises to be placed around Nelson L. These devises cost approx.. $1,800/unit. Jeff Hanson will be bringing more info to the next Board meeting.

Next NLA Board meeting: April 6, 2020 at 6:30 pm.

Steve Bilitz, Secr.