Board Meeting Minutes – Oct. 3, 2016

Nelson Lake Board Meeting
Oct. 3, 2016
The meeting was opened promptly at 7:00 pm by Pres. Bill Wilcox.

Financial Report: The checking acct has $4,139.85, the money market is at $37,360.33, for a
total of $41,500.18 in all our accounts.

Fall Newsletter: Items for the Newsletter are due to Ruth Lindner by Oct. 15th. This newsletter
will go out in early November, 2016.

Insurance: We have our insurance with Johnson Insurance. There was a discussion on various
insurance options. General liability insurance covers accidents at our events.

Motion: To drop insurance on our boat and motor, and keep the liability insurance on our
organization. Passed.

Fish Sticks: New areas approved for the Fish Stick program include: 2 areas on the Big Island, 2
sections near North Bay, and an area outside Crappie Bay. We’ll do the Big Island areas in the
winter, 2017, and the other 2 in the next 2 years.

Sucker Stocking: Last Fall we stocked approx. 1,000 suckers. This month we have on order
another 1,000 suckers costing approx. $3,000. They will be fin-clipped
and stocked in Nelson L in mid October.

Thanks to DNR Fisheries staff for getting the permits for Fish Sticks program, and helping us fin-clip and stock these suckers.

Clean Boats/Clean Water Grant: The deadline for the application for cost sharing is Dec. 10th for
2017 monies.

Motion: To apply for the grant to cover our boat inspections in 2017. Passed. We are set with
next year’s boat inspectors same as in 2016.

Fishing Pier: We are considering purchasing an 8×10 ft aluminum fishing dock. It could be
placed a few feet west of the dock at the access site near the dam. Another option is to put our
old pontoon next to the dock and use it as a fishing pier. More discussion will come at the next
Board meeting.

Next Board meeting will be Mon. Dec. 5th at 6:30 pm.

Respectively submitted,

Steve Bilitz, Secr.